The Virus
It all just started in a place where thousands of kilometers away from where we live. There have been reported cases of people dying due to a VIRUS. The worst possibility of this VIRUS is it spreads with one another without knowing. Meanwhile, when people were thinking that they were somewhat safe in their place, the VIRUS has already reached near them. In March 2020 as an immediate precaution measure, all the Governments around the world shuts all their operations to save people from the deadly virus. Still, people didn’t know that there are words like ‘QUARANTINE’ and ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’ that do exist. When the people were thinking that everyone is safe in their houses, the real game started. The most important thing about this VIRUS is, you get to know that you’re suffering from this after a week, till that there will be common symptoms and in some cases, not even that was reported.
As we give a name for everything, scientists provided COVID-19 (corona) as the name for this deadly virus. Suddenly from Railways to Airports, everything is locked down to avoid crowds at the places where there will be a high chance of the spread. To be honest, it was fun at the beginning to be at home enjoying time with families. But when the days pass by and the number of cases started increasing, fear has started occupying in the hearts of each and every one. At last, we came to a position not to shake hands or hug people with whom we have been over the years. The VIRUS which started thousands of kilometers away has now reached a street nearby and has already started killing people.
The Lockdown
The lockdown was not the same for everyone. The people who are rich and have been a middle class were able to survive with the money they have got and earned so far. All worse things started happening to people who survive by their daily wages. They are the ones who are the most affected. The people who came far away from their places just to survive have already started walking with their families to their native. One of the boldest statements was ‘if I’m dying without food and water, let me die in the place where I was born and brought up’. Everyone’s expecting someone’s safe return around the world during this lockdown. When the government and NGOs were doing initiative from their side, the number of cases were still increasing.
The Containment
When the government announces various methods to follow during the lockdown, one thing people not able to control were the poverty and hunger. Families are in the position of committing suicide because of hunger and poverty. People walking over hundreds of kms to reach their homes. All crazy shit started happening. This lockdown proved that we can live without going to movies, shopping, and doing regular dine-outs at the restaurant. It raised a question that all the expenses that we were doing are to satisfy us or the others? Do we live life for ourselves or just to showcase others?. The Miracle happened When Humanity was on the trench of surviving, the nature around us started healing slowly. There was a temperature down in the cities. After a long time, people witnessed their cities without traffic, noise, and Pollution. People started talking to each other as there were no options. People started to eat together with the families after a long time. The wild animals are roaming free in the places where humans were occupied. The rivers are free of toxic substances. There was less containment of plastics in the seas. So it made humans to think what if we are the virus? and this came to reset everything back !!
The Achievement
For the first time in history, the garbage collecting workers looked like gods. It even took them to places where they were fighting to reach for more than 50 years. Yes, they were allowed inside all the religious places to get cleaned despite religion, caste, and race. This VIRUS broke all the boundaries that humans have made among themselves. In the end, VIRUS proved to this world that Humans are like viruses where they spread hatred among themselves more than love. So love is the vaccine here, where scientists are in the dire search to kill the virus. Meanwhile when the scientists are killing the virus with a vaccine, will we able to kill the hatred with love?. Will this love and care for everyone will continue once the lockdown is over? Will it continue when the virus is ridden from the body?. This will never end unless the VIRUS called ‘HATRED’ never leaves from our body and in the hearts and minds of the People.
The doctors are the life-savers now. They are risking their lives to help others. I just want to tell people that life is a blessing and try to spread love and help others in these testing times, so that everyone can survive. One of the beautiful quotes I came across recently — ‘ The walls of the Hospitals have heard more prayers than any Temple, Mosque or church around the world!’. I hope we will get out of this situation in a sooner time. Staying strong and sticking to each other is the only option left. Stay safe, Take care of your families and neighbours and please wear the damn Mask, so that the people in the below image can remove it once and for all 🙏.
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