Humanity’s Future

Syed Thoufiq
6 min readApr 1, 2022


Dear readers, the idea of writing a blog about this has been running in my mind for quite a while. It’s about the Humanity’s Future being driven by today’s generations, depending on the certain things that we do in life now as we tend to say it as a ‘Lifestyle changes’. Deeper research about the day-to-day life of today’s generations has been still kept on analysis by the experts and scientists. Let’s see the impact of Humanity considering the adaptive changes that we follow in today’s life with a vital role in Technology.

Social Media

One of the major impacts that humanity faces today is the Social media platform. The platform itself is designed in such a way as to take away your productive time and invest in their platforms. Remember the phrase “when you are using the product for free, remember the product is not free you’re the product itself”. Although we have certain advantages of using it, even some people make money through it, but remember you earn the money by taking someone else’s time. As people say “Time is Money”, technically the platform will make you keep on using your money(time) on it so that you don’t improvise yourself on anything else. One of the major impacts that these platforms create is the lifelines between reality and the reels. When you just scrolling through the reels, shorts, stories, or posts in your famous apps, you can notice the lavish lifestyles being portrayed by a person who is among your age. We have already been done enough competing with the person’s we know in real life with all the drastic comparisons, but now we compare ourselves with some hundreds and thousands of people on the platform which will never convince with our style of life. All that you see here are the lavish lifestyles and perfectly designed systems; no one exposes their errors or the pain going through their life on these platforms. 99% of what you see on social media isn’t real and it’s just a highlight reel. The consequences of using this are, when we get out of the virtual world and get into the real world, the things that we see around aren’t perfect or convincing enough when compared to what we saw earlier in the platform. A typical example of this, even including me; I have done this lot of times; going to a restaurant to have a nice meal with friends was the initial plan but we end up taking a lot of photos of the meal to post on the social media to show the entire world, where we lost the essence of tasty food in this process.

“ Touch Humans, Not Digital Screens!”

Digital Purchases

As we transform into the digital world, even the purchases we make have also been digitally transformed. We always end up doing window shopping on the famous e-commerce apps always. The entire objective of these apps are to keep you on as far as possible. From giving personal recommendations to popping ads, they are always keen to make us buy some stuff that we are not even interested in. When we are planning to buy some stuff whatever it may be, consider it an electronics or clothes etc. We end up seeing the unboxing reviews across the platforms and come to a conclusion and accepting the fact that the reviewer’s perspective is always right. Purchase histories are always saved on the platforms and keep on tracking and pushing you to buy things in their forthcoming lineup of products. This platform is designed in such a way that you get to see reviews and other people’s opinions and stuff, but in the end, it’s not the product that convinces you but the opinion of others, not yours!

View Points

These platforms always project negative viewpoints as a strategy to lure users. Consider seeing a statement “This is how a company A is going to fail by launching this car” these negatively impacted viewpoints are considered as unique selling points to the customers and recent analysis says that negative titled statements gets 2X clicks on the platforms compared to positive strong viewpoints. We always end up watching someone “crashing their Lamborghini for fun” instead there is always someone on the same platform who is saying actually how to make money and buy that car instead. The idea of this always creates overconfidence developed in the individuals saying their perspective is always right and they already know a lot of stuff related to the statement. For instance, if I say, ‘Bermuda Triangle is True’ and search for content related to it, the apps are going to show me the content related to my considerations and I’m gonna get results related to the statement is true. Even though some of the statements are neutral, the human mind always accepts the fact that whatever the individual came up with will have a sufficiently large number of results and will convince it. This creates a distance between the individuals who are going to give opposing viewpoints for the statement provided.


Almost everyone now has access to the internet which means everyone has the required devices in hand to access it. Instead of spending time with the families, we isolate ourselves and binge-watch our favorite movies, use favorite apps and kill time. This puts our generation even more at risk. Considering the health factor, as humans evolve we find solutions for rocket science problems, but the living period of humans is at the decreasing rate as we evolute. Getting rapid access to everything without any limitations has a global impact on Humanity. People play games for 8 hours straight and we spend a lot of time on our mobile phones isolating ourselves. When you had limitations to the internet we saw kids playing on the road, but all we see now is a kid with a mobile phone playing games. We don’t need friends for getting opinions too, in the world of AI and ML even virtual assistants behave like real-life people reducing human interactions.


Humans invented Technology to make their lives easier. Over the period we pushed boundaries and we found a lot of stuff that we don’t even need humans now. With Technology taking over the world, the amount of quality time and happiness we spent on this technology should be validated by themselves before immersing in it completely. I agree that Technology has transformed Human lives but also it’s in the hands of Humans again to use Technology in a limited way to be more productive, beneficial, and Healthy. We must be so focused in the future on using the Technology to save Humanity.

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Syed Thoufiq
Syed Thoufiq

Written by Syed Thoufiq

Software Engineer | Wanderer | Motorcyclist | Adventure Tripper | Tech Enthusiast |

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