Depressed Soul

Syed Thoufiq
4 min readAug 28, 2020


A Simple word ‘DEPRESSION’ may cost a life if it is not resolved at the right time. It is one of the most difficult parts of times people deal with their life. A suffering soul needs help from a caring heart. It does not depend on any of the factors to be considered. Depression does not occur for people of certain ages, gender, rich or poor, etc. It just happens due to somethings that have happened in their life and have been undergoing a suffering due to it. Instead of giving a shoulder to a suffering soul, the Society kicks people right at the face and ignores them. The worst part is it even enjoys the pain that the individual is suffering.


An individual is being judged on several factors and making them suffer to the core is one of the major starting point of depression. Though the society does not have any idea or a perspective from the individual who is suffering, it just enjoys the moment with suffering individual. It causes hate amongst people so that everyone can suffer individually instead of loving each other. The suffering individual looks for love from everyone when they are dealing with tough times. But in a busy life, even the closest ones with the individual neglect everything and just keeps on moving with their life. So it makes the individual think like they don’t even exist on this world. Although you have money, fame, and all material things in life if you don’t have someone who can hug you so tightly and cry on your shoulders, then still now you haven’t been living the life to the fullest.


The damaged soul not only blames society for the cause of depression. As time passes by it starts blaming itself and tries hard to get a helping hand from someone. Mental illness start occupying the depressed people. They start to feel lonely like they are the only people living on the earth. In the world full of fake smiles and relationships, the depressed soul looks for a love that is hidden somewhere. It may be a cute laugh on the child’s face or a 70 year-old-man holding the hands of his wife tightly while walking on the crowd. The soul looks for real love somewhere someone would give. Like the sunrises to hide the darkness, a helping hand from somewhere reaches the depressed soul and tells him to cry loud and share his suffering. And it tells him that we are in this together and we will go out of this together. At this time the depressed soul feels light and thinks that there is really someone who cares for it and consoles its heart. When the soul realizes that helping hand does all these things only for the love, the depressed soul day by day talks about tough times of life. The helping hand gives confidence, courage, and more importantly lots of love to come out of this. Depression can be cured only when the help arrives for the seeking hand at the right time.

An Unexpected End

But what happens when everyone around the depressed soul neglects it and start ignoring it. The depressed soul craves for love and it tries to beg everyone in the society to seek attention. Attention for money? No attention for love!!. It needs someone who can be at their side and hear what happened and how to deal with the tough times. At last trying all options, the soul decides to end Life. Men have emotions too so don’t be shy to cry, it’s okay to let it out and not hold it inside. It’s not a weakness but a sign of strength and be a Man enough to feel it. The same way goes for women, crying is not weak. Crying does not make you look weaker than Men. Sometimes all it needs is a little love from the people in society to help the depressed soul. You can sound confident and have anxiety. You can look healthy but feel like shit. You can look happy and be miserable inside. You can be good looking and feel ugly. So be kind, because every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Next time when you see a person in pain or see a depressed soul, you may have no idea what they are dealing with in life but your kind words and love will be a healing and will help them to get over it. Feeling is HUMAN…



Syed Thoufiq
Syed Thoufiq

Written by Syed Thoufiq

Software Engineer | Wanderer | Motorcyclist | Adventure Tripper | Tech Enthusiast |

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